End of May Update
What a great month it's been here! New Zealand has been in Level 2 for over 3 weeks now and new case numbers have been 0 for most days in the past couple weeks.
On top of that, we've been hard at work on Batch #1! Our first whisky batch is made from all malted Canterbury corn, wheat, and barley. It smells amazing and the first half of the batch is finishing up fermentation as we speak.
The process is quite strenuous and it certainly isn't fast. With our small size, we have to mash-in 8 times and fill both fermenters twice to fill one of our itty bitty barrels. It's all worth it though to make New Zealand whisky like it's never been imagined before.
In the next few weeks we will run the current batch through the still and get started on the second half of the batch. By the end of June we will fill that first barrel - quite a bit of work! Then, we get to do it a second time.
On top of that, plans are in the works for our Gin and even our other whisky recipes. We have two other new barrels on their way from the USA and getting new barrels is always an exciting feeling.
Regarding hand sanitiser, we've decide against rushing into that at the moment. As the crisis passes here in New Zealand, the demand isn't high enough for us to be focusing on producing that. It will come though! Once we have enough alcohol leftover from the production process, it will get turned into sanitiser. All in due time, my friends!
Thanks for reading! Stay safe and stay thirsty.